Consumer Protection Attorney Reviews in Texas

Understanding the Role of Consumer Protection Attorneys in Safeguarding Rights Imagine buying a brand-new car only to discover it breaks down every other week. Frustrating, right? Now, picture trying to return or fix that car, only to face stonewalling from the dealership. This is where consumer protection attorneys come in—they’re the knights in shining armor … Read more

Defamation Of Character Laws In Texas

Defamation Of Character Laws In Texas

Defamation of character is a critical legal concept that holds significant weight, especially in today’s fast-paced and information-heavy society. In Texas, as in other states, defamation laws are designed to balance the freedom of speech with the need to protect individuals from false statements that can harm their reputation. Understanding these laws is crucial, not … Read more

Texas LLC Dispute Lawyers

Texas LLC Dispute Lawyers

In the dynamic world of business, disputes are almost inevitable, especially when multiple stakeholders are involved. This is particularly true for Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) in Texas, where the interplay of business operations and legal structures can often lead to complex conflicts. Resolving these disputes efficiently and effectively requires a nuanced understanding of both the … Read more

What Expenses Does Child Support Cover

What Expenses Does Child Support Cover

Ex-spouses don’t often know what expenses child support is supposed to cover. Custodial parents sometimes ask for money even after the non-custodial parent has already paid their monthly child support.  So, it’s unsurprising that some non-custodial parents are confused about whether they need to pay for extra expenses claimed by their ex-spouses. What Is Included … Read more

What Can Be Used Against You In A Custody Battle

What Can Be Used Against You In A Custody Battle

Child custody battles are very common in difficult divorces. These disagreements can cause one or both parties to act irrationally, which may harm their divorce case. When parents fail to agree on who needs to have custody, the court will step in and make the decision. You need an experienced Texas divorce lawyer to advise … Read more

Texas Parenting Guidelines & Holiday Schedule

Texas Parenting Guidelines & Holiday Schedule

Parenting time schedules provide you and your ex-spouse with a guide on how to co-parent after your divorce. Weekends and holidays are often exchange times. The frequency of exchange times is determined by whether you live within a 50- or 100-mile radius of the child’s primary residence. The guidelines for parenting time are policies that … Read more

What Is an Typical Whiplash Settlement Amount?

Whiplash Claims When it comes to dealing with the aftermath of an auto accident, one of the biggest worries is the amount of compensation you may be due. After all, the costs associated with medical bills and the damage caused to your vehicle can quickly add up. If you’ve been injured in an accident and … Read more

What is Conversion in Law?

What is Conversion? Conversion is a term that describes when a person takes something from another person, makes it their own, or generally alters its value without the owner’s permission. Unfortunately, this happens more often than we’d like to think. It could be as simple as someone taking a bicycle that really belongs to someone … Read more

What Happens After the 341 Meeting

What Happens After the 341 Meeting

Can You Spend Money After 341 Meeting? Yes, you can spend money after the 341 meeting, but there are some important considerations to keep in mind: Debtor’s Budget: After the 341 meeting, you should continue adhering to the budget and financial plan you presented in your bankruptcy case. Spending beyond your means or taking on … Read more

Best Business Litigation Lawyers in Houston, Tx

Business Litigation Attorneys Near Me Houston Area Location Walter Law Firm, PC – Business Litigation Lawyers Teri Walter is board certified in civil trial law and the firm represents clients in the following areas: contracts, leases, real estate, and construction, disputes between business owners, negligence, collections, landlord and tenant disputes, deceptive trade practices fraud, conversion, … Read more

Trespass to Chattel vs Conversion

Trespass to chattels is defined as intentional interference with the lawful possession of a chattel in the United States. This can be pretty much any kind of physical interference, such as taking, destroying, or restricting access. There must be damage in order to recover. Legal Definition of Trespass to Chattels When a person converts property … Read more

Texas Premises Liability: A Warning May Not Be Enough

In 2010, the Texas Supreme Court delivered its opinion in Del Lago v. Smith, 53 Tex. Sup. Ct. J. 514. Smith was a patron of the Grandstand Bar which is part of the Del Lago resort on Lake Conroe, Texas. He was a member of a fraternity reunion that got into a brawl with a … Read more

Mandatory arbitration clauses – what you need to know

Consumers, patients, and employees sign contracts all the time – from employment contracts to consent forms at the doctor’s office, most of us have signed more contracts than we care to remember. Sometimes we sign contracts in a high-pressure sales environment or when we just don’t have time to read the fine print. It’s a … Read more

Advance directives – make the decision yourself

Nearly 1.5 million Americans suffer some sort of brain injury each year in motor vehicle accidents, falls, and sports and recreational accidents. Many are neither heroically rescued, nor lost. Instead, their bodies are kept alive through life-sustaining treatments (such as ventilators and feeding tubes) with about a 1% chance of regaining their ability to communicate, … Read more

The dangers of propane tanks in gas grills

With Labor Day on the horizon and an estimated 76% of American households owning a propane gas grill, countless Americans will be hosting backyard barbecues to celebrate the holiday weekend. But, before you do, make sure that you do it safely. The National Fire Protection Association claims that “more than 6,100 accidental fires and explosions … Read more